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When was Pacific Solutions founded?
The founders of Pacific Solutions started writing software in 1995 during the time they owned their own flooring business in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In 1998, Pacific Solutions was separated from the flooring business and a separate corporation was formed. It was at this time, the headquarters moved from Michigan to California.
Where are Pacific Solutions’ corporate headquarters?
Pacific Solutions corporate headquarters are in San Diego California, but we have employees in Florida, Louisiana and Washington State.
Why did the founders of Pacific Solutions write flooring software?
Much like our clients, the founders of Pacific Solutions went searching for management software to use in their own business. When the search ended, they found nothing that was robust and powerful, yet easy for their staff to use in a flooring business. Shortly thereafter, they began to write FloorManager for use in their own business. After a few years of ongoing develop they decided to market the software, and Pacific Solutions was born.
How many installations of the software does Pacific Solutions have?
There are hundreds of installations of FloorManager across the United States, Canada and Australasia.
What size is the typical Pacific Solutions’ client?
Our typical FloorManager client is a 6-user system with gross sales ranging between 2 and 3 million per year. We also have clients selling below 1 Million and other clients selling over 30 Million per year.
Will the software work for a business with multiple locations?
Absolutely. FloorManager is a true 32 or 64 bit Windows Software written from the ground up for the windows environment. This is not a hybrid DOS/Windows application. Since it is fully Windows based, you can access the system remotely via Terminal Services by Microsoft, or an equivalent RDP solution. We will be happy to consult with your network administrator or IT department and make the proper hardware recommendations.
FloorManager is best suited for the residential or builder market. If your business manages large commercial projects, with many change orders and spanning several months, JobRunner is probably a better fit for your business.
Do the transactions post real time or batch?
All transactions post real time. There is no nightly batch transfer of information between the client machines and the server. Even remote locations will post to a central fileserver real time. One branch can even see another branches inventory and allocate it.
Will the software work for a business with more than one corporation?
The general ledger in FloorManager is designed to manage a single corporation. It will generate branch specific income statements if the corporation has more than one location. If multiple corporations are needed, Pacific Solutions can install a second set of files on your network allowing you to work with multiple corporations.
Is the software designed for the accounting and administrative staff, or for the sales staff?
The real advantage of Pacific Solutions’ software is that it was written by flooring people, for flooring people. We think that the customer order is the hub of the entire sales process, therefore we encourage the sales staff to be at the genesis of the order entry. The accounting portion of the database produces good numbers and certainly has all the reports necessary to run a successful flooring business. Certainly it is possible to enter all orders at the administrative level while allowing the sales staff to continue on paper forms, but ask yourself the following question. When was the last time you traded with a business that did not involve the sales staff in the order entry process? Remember, every time a sales clerk uses a cash register, it is order entry. This eliminates error and captures all necessary information at the beginning of the sales process, which also eliminates the redundant data entry later in the sales process.
How is the software sold?
The software is sold as a license for use in your flooring business on a set number of computers. If you have 20 computers around your office, but only 10 of them will need to access the database at any given time, we treat this as a 10 user system even though you have 20 access points. Later, if you decide an eleventh computer would be helpful, we will increase the license by one computer.
Does this replace our current accounting system?
Yes. Pacific Solutions software contains a full general ledger. There is no need to post transactions into a separate accounting system.
How often does Pacific Solutions update the software?
Twice per year
Is there a fee for ongoing maintenance?
Yes. The annual contract includes ongoing and unlimited help desk support and all software updates. The maintenance fees are based on the size of the system. The first year of maintenance is included with all software purchases.
How do we get our product catalog into the software?
Pacific Solutions participates in the flooring industry B2B initiative. Any vendor/supplier that also participates makes their product catalog data available. However, there are many vendors that are not yet participating in the B2B initiative. (Eventually most vendors will participate). For any vendor not participating, Pacific Solutions provides an Excel product catalog template so that you can import your own products into the database.
How do we update prices in our product catalog?
For, all vendors that participate in the B2B initiative, the prices update automatically. The Excel template that Pacific Solutions provides will also update prices on the second import without creating duplicate product records.
What is B2B?
The flooring industry has many suppliers selling all types of product from around the world. The price books you receive from every supplier are structured differently and the electronic price data is not much different. A few years ago, a Flooring B2B (Business to Business) committee was formed in an effort to standardize all flooring vendor’s electronic data. This standardization enables software companies such as Pacific Solutions to write a single data interface that communicates with any vendor who subscribes to the flooring industry B2B standards.
Is there a charge for B2B?
Yes, Pacific Solutions charges a fee for connection to B2B. The charges are nominal and go toward development for continual revisions to the B2B standard.
Do we get to offer suggestions on how to improve the software?
We welcome all suggestions from established clients. Please email any suggestions to [email protected]. Pacific Solutions development staff will discuss all incoming suggestions at a development meeting, and if the suggestion has merit, we add it to the development docket. Much of what you see in the software today is a result of great customers and their ongoing input.
Will Pacific Solutions customize the software?
Yes. We consider all customization suggestions and ascertain their impact on the software. If we can accommodate a client and build a new feature without harming the integrity of the software, we submit a customization proposal for approval.
What is the software database engine?
The database engine is FileMaker Pro. FileMaker wins awards annually for database design and structure, and is used by major corporations such as the Associated Press, Banc One, California Dept of Transportation, Dunn and Bradstreet, Harvard University Press and Lockheed Martin just to name a few! Visit www.filemaker.com for more information.
We know you also sell FloorRight estimating software. Does FloorManager software communicate with FloorRight?
Will the software work on a network?
Certainly. If the network uses TCP/IP protocols the software will work just fine.
Is the software server based, or cloud based?
The answer is both. FloorManager can be hosted locally on your server or it can be hosted in a server farm making it cloud based. There are several modules that have been written for accessibility via browser on either desktop PC’s or mobile platforms such as iOS or Android. Further, the entire system can be accessed with iOS using FileMaker Go.
Do we need a true server to operate the software in a client/server environment?
Pacific Solutions always recommends the best hardware you budget will allow. You must host the database on either a Windows based server running a true server OS, or a Mac server.
How many computers will run on the network?
The software can support over 100 computers if the hardware is properly scaled for such a large flooring business.
Does the software require SQL?
Although the software is a great source for SQL calls, it has an embedded database engine and does not require SQL.
What type of network does the software require?
FloorManager will operate on a Windows based network using TCP/IP. It will also run on an Apple Macintosh network. It will not operate on a Unix network.
Our Company is small. Will the software run on just one or two computers?
Absolutely! In fact many of Pacific Solutions best clients started with just a couple of computers. It is exciting for Pacific Solutions to see a company grow and increase the size of the business once the software is in full use.
What are the system hardware requirements?
Since hardware requirements are constantly changing, please visit the Pacific Solutions hardware requirements page here.
Will Pacific Solutions come out and install the software on the network?
Once the network is properly configured, and the computers are communicating with one another, the software installation is a simple process. With each sale, Pacific Solutions includes up to 3 hours of technical support with your IT manager.
Does Pacific Solutions sell computer hardware?
Pacific Solutions sells scanners, cash drawers and label printers that work with the software. We can also supply servers but we much prefer to work through your local IT service provider since they will support the server and network.
Will everyone in my company need a computer?
The software is such a tremendous tool and a wonderful asset that everyone will certainly benefit from having their own access terminal. Of course it is possible to share a terminal among the sales staff. We recommend purchasing enough licenses to begin using the software in a business, then if the need arises, Pacific Solutions can increase the number of licenses via the internet. Simply stated, “Buy what you need, and when you need it.”
Does the data reside on my server, or a Pacific Solutions server?
The software resides on your server in your business.
Can we get all our old information into Pacific Solutions?
Pacific Solutions supplies templates for importing Customer Files, Vendor Files, Labor Pricing, Product Pricing and the Chart of Accounts. If you current system can export the data into an Excel spreadsheet, you can manipulate that data so that it conforms to our templates and the information can be imported.
How long does it take to get the software?
You will receive the software about a week from the time the software is ordered.
How long does it take to get the software up and running?
The timeline depends on the availability of your staff. Typically 90 to 120 days is a realistic timeline.
Our Company has a lot of work in process. How will we get this into the new software?
Pacific Solutions has prepared a very thorough data transition document. In summary, all jobs that originated in your current software system will finish in your current software system. You will simply post journal entries on a periodic basis to keep the current system data in line with the old system. It is quite a simple process and only takes a few minutes each week.
Does Pacific Solutions staff a help desk where we can speak with a live person?
Yes, we have a fulltime help desk on staff. When a call comes in, we log it into our call center database and assign a case number. The question is documented, along with the resolution. We strive to answer all support calls in a very timely manner.
Many of our sales people lack computer skills. How will Pacific Solutions train them?
Although Pacific Solutions’ software is feature rich and extremely powerful, it is probably the easiest to use management software available to the flooring industry. The order entry is unparalleled. Years ago when the software was written, it was the goal of the developers to take a paper form and convert it to an electronic document. We figured if we could make the data “Fill in the Blank” forms, that adoption by the flooring industry would be achievable. That being said, it is always helpful to train people that are somewhat familiar with a computer. Surfing the web is great practice navigating from one area to another and developing “Mouse Skills” We will work with your project coordinator to develop strategies for the challenged members of your staff.
My accounting staff is concerned about sales people doing data entry. Should we be concerned?
Pacific Solutions’ software has an extremely thorough password capability and it is quite easy to configure. Unless you allow it, there is no way that the sales staff can access the accounting portion of the database. Think of a complete management software solution as a relay race. In a relay, the baton passes between one runner and another until the end of the race. A flooring business is not much different. The sales staff starts the race, passes the baton to the procurement department, who passes it to the accounting department and finally everything hits the reports. You have the power to establish who and when the baton passes between one department and another providing full control and protection of the data in the system.
This is a monumental step for our company, how can we be assured things are going to go well?
There are several factors that are a part of a successful software conversion. The most important factor is the dedication and mindset of your company. You must understand that all successful conversions when done properly take time and effort. You need to assign a project coordinator on your end and follow our implementation plan. In addition to our trainers and help desk, Pacific Solutions employs a Director of Implementation to assist you throughout the entire software implementation process. We have invested a great deal of time configuring a implementation timeline based on our experiences with our current client base. The timeline sets realistic expectations for the staff and ownership of your company and allows you to work at a realistic pace considering you also have a business to run. When all sides work together we have a perfect track record for full software implementation.
Do we have to use all of the software?
The short answer is no. However the software is a fully integrated solution and the elimination of redundant data entry is a huge benefit. We encourage all clients over time to learn and deploy the full software solution.
How will Pacific Solutions train my staff?
Classroom training in San Diego, California is included in your software purchase. However at times it is more convenient for us to send a trainer to you. Consult with your Pacific Solutions sales representative for more details. The ideal training consists of a blend between classroom training and onsite training.